Rapporteur Meissner presents draft report on maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management

05 September 2013

On 5 September, Rapporteur Gesine Meissner (ALDE/DE) presented the draft report on the “Maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management” Commission legislative initiative to the Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament.

The aim of the proposal is to set a framework for the establishment and implementation of maritime spatial plans (MSP) and integrated coastal management strategies (ICM) in Member States in order to achieve EU objectives such as promoting maritime transport, securing the energy supply, fostering sustainable fisheries and protection of the environment.

The Rapporteur’s amendments strengthen the proposal by leaving Member States more flexibility to address their particular interests, preventing the intervention in already well-performing practices and improving cross-border cooperation.

MEPs positively welcomed the draft report and stressed the importance of avoiding the creation of an additional European level of decision-making on MSP and ICM.

The vote in TRAN will take place on 5 November while the European Parliament plenary vote is scheduled in the session of December 2013.

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